Saturday, October 22, 2005

Sweet Shit...

26th birthday.... everyone got drunk as fuck. Like vomit drunk. Shady Rashan got so drunk I had to pulll him off the bathroom floor, which was covered in puke, clean him up and let him pass out on my couch. FulcaN got so fuct, he puked all over himself... and my chair, tried to pass out in my hallway, then gave me a bunch of shit about sleeping in my recliner. not that I mind... I've been taken care of in my time, but guh....... I dont think I'll be havin a birthday bash next year. So here I am, half drunk, have to work tomorrow, girlfriend passed out, best friend passed out..... pretty much everyone passed the fuck out..... and me.... typing in my blog. Good God. I should go to bed, but I just cant seem to. Oh well... wish me luck for tomorrow....
posted by AlmightyCoRnDogg @ Saturday, October 22, 2005


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